Sunday, February 1, 2009

Social CRM by Fabio

While trying to learn about a topic I knew very little - CRM - I stumbled upon Fabio. He was kind enough to share the above presentation which in simple and lucid terms explains CRM in a Social Media context. Even though his blog is in Portugese, I think there are lot of interesting ideas and thoughts there proving that language cannot be a barrier to ideas.

In this connection I also came across this very interesting post or shall we say strong view on CRM by Adliterate written way back in 2007. The post and the comments that followed make for a great and useful read.

All I can say is that CRM should ideally stand for Customer Ready Marketing.


  1. Hey Subbu, thanks for linking my preso. Thanks for sharing your thoughts around this interesting subject.



  2. Most welcome, Fabio.
