Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I lost my way and found it here

It has been over 3 months since I wrote a post. In that time I was juggling with issues related to my career and health. I thought I needed a break to resolve these issues – a clear head and what not. That was not to be. If anything, things remain as muddled and unresolved.  I also contemplated shutting down my blog altogether and focus on my life-stream blog, FreeMix, which seems to have a life of its own.
But writing a post can be very addictive. This is something I discovered in the time that I have been away. Even though I might have a limited audience, nothing beats sharing one’s views and opinion and seeing the magic it creates amongst them. I also missed exercising my grey cells that comes with writing a post – reading, analyzing and crystallizing thoughts into a cogent narrative.
There’s more.
Gavin Heaton, one of the world’s leading blogger on Marketing and someone whom I admire says it best in his latest post:
One of the most amazing things about social media, and blogging in particular, is the chance we have to create personal connections and very real friendships with people all over the world. Sometimes this means you connect with people who live in your own city and sometimes it means you connect with people who are on the other side of the planet.  

Now you know why I let my addiction win. This time around I intend it to be a controlled addiction. I will be irregularly regular and hope to cover areas other than marketing and etc (They tend to be a bit too boring and repetitive)  All this is in line with my new working philosophy – promise less and delivering even less :) 

Lastly, this blog is the only place I can call my own and it feels good to be back.

 (Image courtesy: Stefan)


  1. Hey hope all ok with health? What happened. And for sure nothing beats the experience of capturing your own thots here:)

  2. Thanks Mee, for the concern. Nothing happened on the health front :).That's the good news. It was just a combination of minor ailments that came together to create a symphony.
